One of the most debated issues in decorating these days is probably the pros and cons of hanging a TV set over a mantel or fireplace.
Until recently, I was a full-fledged member of the "Absolutely-Hate-the-Idea" group, but I have to admit that I'm considering joining the ranks of the "On-the-Fence-for-Now" group, also known as the "Wishy-Washy" group.
I've always loved decorating our mantel for the seasons, especially for Christmas, and I just can't imagine replacing my garland and birds with a television set!

However, having said that, we have been toying with the idea of building a house, and have had several lively "discussions" about the placement of the fireplace in the living room. We are considering rebuilding a house we built in 2000, with modifications, and in that house, the fireplace was in a corner, with a built-in TV cabinet with doors next to the fireplace; floor-to-ceiling bookshelves were beside the TV cabinet. This is a picture of the living room in that house which will give you an idea of the layout.
I cringe when I look at that picture and see how my taste in decorating has changed. Our friends at Rate My Space would have a field day "critiquing" it, but bear in mind that it was ten years ago! You will also notice in the picture that the mantel was decorated for Fall.
I said all that to say this: In the new house, my husband wants to move the fireplace from the corner and recess it into the wall where the TV cabinet was ... and hang a flat-screen TV set over it. This would give us more room in the corner where the fireplace was, plus, we could add the floor-to-ceiling bookcases on both sides of the fireplace. The TV set wouldn't just "hang on the wall," but would have some kind of wood trim around it and would be recessed within the frame.
I like that idea, but I truly can't bear to think about not being able to decorate the mantel. And now you have "the rest of the story," which explains how I have become a "fence-sitter" whenever the topic of hanging the TV set over the fireplace comes up.
I have researched the subject and browsed through magazines for pictures and ideas, and would like to share my findings.
There are several factors to be considered, such as the aesthetics of this location, proper viewing angles, and the impact heat may have on your TV performance.
The following tips are from Canadian House & Home magazine. Here is what they recommend for proper placement (the red comments are mine):
Treat it Like Art: Your flat-panel TV should be mounted at the same height as you would hang a piece of art of the same size over your fireplace. It doesn't say anything about where you put your garlands and birds. :(
If in Doubt, Do a Little Math: Depending on the height of your mantel — or if you don’t have one, the top of the fireplace — hang the TV four to twelve inches above. If your mantel is higher than four feet, then hang the TV no more than six inches above.
Think about a Tilt Mount: Mounting your TV above your fireplace means it will be higher than normal (ideally, your TV should be at eye level for comfortable viewing), so you may want to consider mounting the TV onto a "tilting and panning wall mount" so you don’t have to crane your neck to watch television, and can also enjoy the view from anywhere in the room.
Mock It Up First: To help you center the TV to your fireplace and decide on the most pleasing height before you start drilling holes, test its placement by cutting out a paper rectangle the same size as your unit and tape it to the wall. Evaluate its placement from a sitting position and adjust it accordingly.
Do the Radiant Heat Test: Test out the radiant heat that emits from your fireplace as it could greatly reduce the lifespan of your TV. Assess this by starting a fire and place your hand over the area where your TV will be mounted. If it feels considerably hotter than room temperature, you should consider placing your TV elsewhere in the room. [Another factor to consider if you have a mantel is that heat is deflected out and up by the mantel and does not directly affect the TV]
Now for the fun part. Here are a few pictures I came across that capture the imaginations and creativity of designers when it comes to disguising TV sets when they are placed over a fireplace, thereby becoming the focal point of a room. The ideas range from plain and simple to elegant and fancy. I've also seen pictures of TVs hidden behind paintings or other works of art, and TVs that recede into a cabinet or piece of furniture, but that gets to be quite costly.
I think I like the following idea the best of the ones I've seen so far (I'm sure I will look at hundreds more pictures before I settle on one ... IF we decide to go with the TV over the fireplace, that is.).
Photo of fireplace by Lydia Lindsey, Flickr (I added one of my pictures to the tv screen).

By the way, have you seen how THIN the latest flat-screen TVs are? It's really amazing and hard for me to comprehend.

If you are still with me, I'd like to hear your opinion on this subject and hope you will take the time to comment. To paraphrase our friend Shakespeare: To hang the TV over the fireplace, or not -- that is the question!