This is a follow up to a story I wrote last fall about a fascinating vine I discovered growing on a fence on a frontage road beside I-20, between Edwards and Vicksburg, Mississippi.
Upon researching the vine, I found that it is called Balloon Vine, because the fruit resembles little balloons. They remind me of little Chinese lanterns ...
If you would like to read the posts from last fall before you read this last chapter, you can click on the following links:
Heart Seeds
As I mentioned in the "Heart Seeds" post, the seeds of the balloon vines are black and have markings on them resembling white hearts.
I was delighted when I discovered the little seeds, and saved some to plant with our granddaughter Avery Grace.
I also kept an unusual seed from some Carolina Moonseed vines that I photographed last December.

If you'd like, you can read about them here: December Lagniappe: Vines and Berries.
This past Saturday, the weather was absolutely perfect here in Mississippi, and my husband and I took Avery out to our land so we could plant our seeds. We let her pick out the spot and she chose a place near our "fairy tree," which you can see in the background of the next picture (I can't wait to tell you about our plans for the fairy tree this Spring).
Here are some of the seeds we planted. The wind was blowing, and she had to put her gloves on so they wouldn't blow away while I took this picture.
We've planted Morning Glory seeds a couple of times, and Avery has learned to be gentle when planting seeds ...
She wanted to water them, but we told her God would water them for us (and sure enough, He sent us a nice gentle rain yesterday).
Next, we put some sticks around the seedbed so we would know where we planted them.
To every thing there is a season, including a time to plant. Granted, January is probably not the ideal time to plant seeds, but since we have been waiting since September, we took advantage of the pretty weather and went ahead and planted ours.
Who knows ... perhaps this Spring we will discover some little green leaves poking their way through the dirt. And in the meantime, we will watch and wait ... and Avery will learn a little lesson about "having faith."