I wish they would line the perches
up with the flowers, don't you!
Poetry in Motion ...
Uh-Oh! Here comes Trouble ...
Go ahead — make my day!
Whew! That was a close one!
Ouch — That's gotta hurt!
Those red Crape Myrtles look pretty tasty.
I think I'll get a closer look ...
Beak-to-Beak Combat ...
Ever watchful ...
Ahhhh ... alone at last!

A little "piglet" hummer ...
Love those tail feathers and the expression on its face!
Y'all wanna play "Ring around the Rosie?"

Circling ...
Make room for me, guys and girls — I'm coming in!
Waiting patiently in the wings ...
They'll be leaving us soon, which is always sad, but I'm thankful for the pleasure of their company yet another summer, and will look forward to their return next year.

Until then ... Godspeed, little Hummers!
Wonderful pictures! I watched an hour documentary on Hummingbirds on PBS Sunday night. Although we only see the Ruby Throated ones, there are so many different varieties of them and all are very beautiful!
Hi Janie, I have only had one hummer at my feeder this summer.. I think maybe they like the warmer weather where you and your Mom live. Hummingbirds have always been special little birds to me. I've enjoyed seeing the pictures that you took. Summer will be back before we know it along with the hummers. Blessings, Charlotte
Beautiful photos, so enjoyed them, thank you.
those are awesome photos...thank you for sharing..
I'm ever amazed at these jewelly little fellows, and so amused by some of their antics. And the way YOU can capture their little personalities and expressions---simply stunning in the pictures.
I fed one once, after sitting patiently (itchily, hotly, dustily) in behind the boxwoods at my house in the Delta---I held out that plastic flower til I thought my arm was numb.
And then one hovered, checking my credentials and life signs, and dipped in for a sip. After that, it was just a matter of staying still, not dropping the feeder, and trying not to exclaim in excitement or call someone to look at the marvel. It was like entertaining a fairy, I think--one whose approval you've long sought, and been granted.
What a gift these tiny fellows are, in all their beautiful display and their miniature perfection.
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