One of my favorite quotations is “Each day comes bearing its
own gifts. Untie the ribbons.” It is credited to Ruth Ann Schabacker, and I
love the simple message it conveys.
Our daily gifts come in all kinds of packages.
[Photo borrowed from the Internet]
If you are an early riser, your
"gift" may be seeing an especially bright morning star out your
kitchen window — or an extraordinary sunrise — all yours for the taking. All
you have to do is "untie the ribbons."
Or it could be a smile or a small
kindness from a stranger during the course of a busy day ... or a courteous
driver who lets you into a long line of traffic ... or a totally unexpected
compliment on your appearance or a job well done. Isn't it amazing how these
"gifts" can lift our spirits and give us a whole new perspective on
our day — all we have to do is "untie the ribbons."
And sometimes I think an even greater gift is being that stranger, or courteous driver, or
compliment-giver. I know it makes my day brighter when I can do something kind
for someone, especially when only the two of us know about it.
My photography has brought me
countless gifts, and most of them were hidden until I took the time to
"untie" them by getting a closer look at something through my lens.
Here are just a few of the gifts I discovered a couple of days ago on a photo
shoot here in Vicksburg ...
Ornamental Cabbage Plant in our Courtyard
A little lagniappe in the form of a dewdrop sparkling like a diamond nestled amongst the petals of the cabbage plant ...
Dogwood Tree at Old Court House Museum in Vicksburg Glorious Nandina Berries at Sisters of Mercy
My favorite flower -- Narcissus, also known as Paperwhites 
I love the contrast between the "chippy" black iron fence railing and the delicate little petals of the flower ...
Yuletide Camellia Sasanqua Blossom
Now, go untie the ribbons of your day.
I love this post! I think I'll put that quote on my desk. :)
Your photos amaze me always!
Happy New Year. :)
Oh, What a Beautiful MORNING!! Oh What a Beautiful DAAAAAY! (can you just HEAR Gordon McRae's butterscotch tones echoing across the prairie?
These and this message are simply perfect for our -10, snow-covered day, with Sweetpea out of school and the breakfast table holding more than three dozen tee-ninecy Pet Shop critters, all cute as pie and sporting bows and ribbons of their own. Those sweet, impish, trusting little eyes are gazing toward Sweetpea this minute, like a rapt audience, as she strums her little lap-harp to serenade them before breakfast.
(Which we may have to eat from our laps, if the menagerie can't be persuaded to migrate for a bit to the dining table so we can sit down.
Caro's brought us pastries, and the coffee has been flowing---wish you were here to share in this messy, happy chaos which is our morning. Guitar picks hunted, a bid old dobro case lounging like a Grandpa in Ganner's Lay-Z-Boy (never know how to spell that) and Caro upstairs, heating up her "dinner" of leftover Kung Pao and Chow mein.
Those are OUR flowers, our bright ribbons knitting up our day, and we're grabbing strands and untying knots with the avid greed of a two-year-old's birthday party.
Gosh. I'd better go get them some ham and fruit on, and see if i can stop the flow of STUFF from the store-room to this---we haven't even got the Christmas stuff put away yet.
love to you and all your Dearies, and thank you for these glimpses of SPRING on this frozen-hard day.
Beautiful photos and lovely inspiration.
Thanks from Pat in Tallahassee
Your lovely pictures were a beautiful gift - I enjoyed untying the ribbons as they revealed themselves on this very cold winter night!
PS I meant to mention that the serene sterility of the brave little paper-whites, standing in their brief glory against the time-worn chips and rust of that stalwart black fence---what a juxtaposition of every trait and attribute amongst folks. Would that we all stood together so beautifully.
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