Today, I'd like to share some pictures of the Lady Banks Roses (Rosa banksiae) growing on our back fence.
And one plant that has white and yellow flowers ...

My office windows look out onto the fence and I have enjoyed the glorious yellow and white blossoms for a couple of weeks now. Not only are they beautiful, but our backyard is filled with their heavenly delicate scent. We'll prune them when the blooms fade to make room for my Lantana which is already peeking through the pine straw.
When the Lady Banks started blooming, I took some closeup shots of the blooms and was amazed at how exquisite they are.
Janie, I love your Ladies they are so pretty. They will take over if not pruned back, won't they? When we planted ours years ago I didn't know much about them. Thought they were running roses, so I placed them on our arbor, Big mistake. I am slowly trimming them back, but they are no longer full on the sides of the arbor and go straight up and wrapped into my Bradford pear (DH called himself trimming them, when I wasn't able to work in yard).. Will trim them back to the ground this year and hope they come back. I have several small one growing now in places where I can control them.
They are so beautiful against a fence like you have them.
Thanks for sharing.
Gorgeous rose, Janie. The photography is excellent!
Those are just beautiful. I might have to look for one at my nursery and plant it on my back fence. Gorgeous photos! :)
Beautiful roses and photography! I think the close up looks like a mini peony in an way.
Twilight Zone music, here, Janie.
I was thinking of these early this morning, when I posted to Molly about our Jiminy Cricket red climbing rose which took over a whole wall of the house.
And I haven't heard the name Lady Banks in Years!
Yours are the lushest, most magnificent I've ever seen all in one place. What a lovely retreat your yard must be!
they are beautiful...
Oh, how pretty! I love this, Janie. I'm afraid the only roses I have are those Knockout kind. I'm allergic to spray.
My great, great grandparents had beautiful roses that were still growing about twenty years ago even though my uncle was long since dead and the house long since gone. I love to find old roses like that. Now I wish I had gotten a cutting and tried to propigate (sp) it because the land has gone to seed and is all wild now that the people "let it go."
I am with workmen in St. A and haven't been blogging. Hopefully they will finish soon, and I can have my life back! LOL!
Miss you...
Sheila :-)
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