Today I'd like to share a few pictures I've recently captured with my macro lens (Canon 100mm). I'm still trying to master my "macro skills," but I'm enjoying discovering Spring from a new perspective while I'm learning (you can click on the pictures to enlarge them, if you'd like).

Bumblebee on Carolina Jasmine Blooms
Carolina Jasmine

My next macro adventure will include our Lady Banks Rose and Azaleas which are in bloom now. I hope to explore those today (along with anything else that catches my eye), and I can't wait to see what's hidden in the center of the azalea blossoms.
Just glorious all! But the center of the iris is positively glowing!!
What a lovely feast of color for this sunny morning!! The glow inside the iris is amazing---I've never seen it captured like that, as if a little fairy-nest deep inside is lit with the golden light.
And the little anonymous blue is very reminiscent of the little hyacinths coming up in the hosta beds---every year I go snip off the tops of the potted ones Chris brings home, dry them for a while, then go bury them somewhere in the beds, like a squirrel hiding nuts for the Winter.
We have quite a little crop of the small things right now, peeking out before all the big guys put out their big shady umbrellas.
I am also just learning to use my Macro lens..and am amazed when I load my pictures to the computer at some of the things I have captured.
These shots are just beautiful
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