All of these pictures were taken at the Jackson, Mississippi Zoological Park. I hope you enjoy the tour.
Until he opened his mouth!
This next picture of a Diana Monkey reminds me of a line from an old song that goes, "If I had the wings of an angel, over these prison walls I would fly."
And speaking of flying, remember Dumbo, the flying elephant in the Disney movie?
I think Giraffes are so graceful-looking, to be so tall and gangly ...
And while we're on the subject of faces — here's one that only his mama could love!
My favorite wild animal is the Tiger, and this one was truly magnificent.
Gotta love that sweet little "smiley face!"
The Zebra almost faded into the background.
What's for dinner, guys?
If you live near Jackson, I encourage you to visit the zoo and see all these beautiful animals for yourself.
The zoo is celebrating its 91st birthday this year and needs your support and patronage.