I will never cease to be inspired and awestruck by God's exquisite handiwork, as evidenced in Nature. And I'm so thankful He blessed me with an interest in photography at this stage of my life, because without it, I would have missed seeing so much!
For instance, this Golden Raintree, which I featured in a post last May when it was in full bloom ...

If you would like to read that post and see some close-up pictures of that beautiful tree, you can click on the following link: The Glorious Golden Raintree.
I recently saw a smaller tree and noticed that it was loaded with seed pods ...

Here are some close up views of the heart-shaped pods which hang in clusters on the ends of the branches ...

I'm always curious about what is inside the seed pods of plants, so I broke off a couple of stems with pods and brought them home. Here is what I found:

I plan to plant the seeds on our land in hopes that someday we will have a little Golden Raintree to remind me of the ones in Vicksburg.

And speaking of seeds, my husband recently noticed seed pods on the Japanese Maple tree in our courtyard.

I took the following pictures after a rain shower ...

Aren't they beautiful! ... and so delicate looking. They are just beginning to form, and I'm looking forward to watching them evolve.

God's handiwork is on display everywhere in this wonderful world of ours, and I hope this has inspired you to take a closer look at the beauty of Nature surrounding you. I promise your day will be better for it.