This time of year, I tend to be easily distracted while driving. Everywhere I look, there are wildflowers, colorful leaves, and all kinds of grasses that seem to be beckoning to me to stop and get a closer look.
These bright yellow flowers have been calling my name for a couple of weeks now, and I finally answered their call yesterday when my husband and I passed this field that was dazzling with bright yellow blooms, their faces all turned toward the morning sun.

I tried to identify them by looking at hundreds of images of "yellow wildflowers" on Google, but never could find anything that looked exactly like them. However, one of my blogging friends, Dorothy at Counting My Blessings, wrote and told me she thinks they are "Swamp Sunflowers," and, after looking at pictures of swamp sunflowers, I believe she's right. Dorothy is a very talented photographer and writer, and I encourage you to visit her beautiful blog. I'm sure it will brighten your day, as it does mine.

Some of the flowers soared high above the others, their stalks bent over from the weight of the pretty clusters of flowers at the tops of them.

I wished for a bucket of water and some clippers to cut a bouquet, but had to be content to capture a few bouquets with my camera instead.
The flowers were beautiful from a distance, but they were even more incredible up close (you can click on the pictures to enlarge them, if you'd like to get a closer look).

I'm not the only one who was enjoying the flowers up close. The honeybees loved them, too!

I hope this has inspired you to slow down and admire Fall's "naturescapes" beside the roads you travel every day — who knows, you might even hear something "calling your name," too.