Saturday, October 1, 2011

Louisiana Lagniappe: Cypress Trees

Lake Providence, Louisiana

Northeast Louisiana
(West Monroe)


Richard Cottrell said...

I love these tress and are one of my favorite things in the south, of course my favorite is the Southern Magnolia. Thanks for the picks. have a beautiful day. Richard from My Old Historic house.

RachelD said...

Don't you just love these glimpses into another Time in history---the going-along of things and animals and plants, with no thought to the when or where.

There's just something special about those old cypress trees, with their toes up in the air---expecially when they form little vitnettes, like meerkat villages, or a choir of the faithful clustered around the preacher.

You take me back, so wonderfully. Back and back before there there was an US, and the trees didn't care.