Friday, December 28, 2012

Between the Pages

To everything there is a season ... and with a new year comes the season of new beginnings and a chance to begin the year with a "clean slate."

It is also the season for nostalgia and reflection ... and new calendars.

As I begin the nostalgic ritual of transferring notations of birthdays and special family occasions from my old calendar to the bright, clean pages of my new one, I am thankful for the blessings and sweet memories that were ours throughout the year ... for the calendar that hangs above my desk in our office is so much more than just a reminder of birthdays or appointments or holidays — between its pages is our family's history.

As I turn the pages of my new calendar (shown above), I can't help but wonder what the new year will bring ... what memorable happenings will be noted? What joys, or sorrows? Only time will tell what God has in store for us.

May the pages of your new 2013 calendar be filled with many happy occasions and sweet memories-in-the-making.


Sue said...

OH! beautiful thoughts for me to begin this new year with, Janie.
Wishing you the most blessed New Year ever.

Dorothy said...

Blessings to you in the new year! May Health, Hope, Happiness be yours each day!

Tonja said...

I hope that in December 2013, you can look back on your calendar and see the evidence of happiness and joy! Days filled with fun and family.! Have a wonderful New Year!