I was browsing through my computer files in search of inspiration for a post for today, and came across some pictures I'd like to share.
In October of 2009, I visited Canton, Mississippi, home of the prestigious Canton Flea Market, and featured the quaint little town in a three-part photo tour. If you would like to read those posts, you can click on the links below:
A Place Called Canton
Canton Part II
A Place Called Canton, Part III
Today's post features some of the beautiful old houses in Canton, beginning with the Priestley House, a 19th century Greet Revival house, which was built in 1852, as the home of Dr. James Priestley, one of Canton's early physicians and first postmaster.
Next, is this grand old Victorian, ca 1896. Known as "Vanity Castle," the house is currently for sale. At Christmastime, the owners display a little carousel on the porch gazebo. (If you would like to see the details of these old homes, you can click on the pictures)

This is my favorite house in Canton. Not only is the house magnificent, the grounds are absolutely breathtaking.
This stately little house is on the grounds of Wohlden House. I would love to know its history.
If you ever go to the Canton Flea Market (the Fall flea market is October 14th), be sure and take time to drive by these old treasures. The Victorian is on the main street running through town (Peace Street), and the rest are in the historic residential area a block off of Peace Street. You won't be disappointed.
beautiful tour....
Well, I am currently trying to line up a trip to Canton Flea Market and a side trip to Vicksburg to see that little street of shops you told about. My friends Shirley and Tina and I are considering that for our Fall Fling!
Shirley took me to the Flea Mkt for the first time about 15 years ago. I was astounded! It is fabulous! I've been back 4 times since but not in about 8 years,
Oh my goodness! Thank you. I love architecture, especially Southern! Again, thank you for providing daily eye candy on your blog!
Love those pics! That sounds like a place I would love to visit. But, if I never get to, you gave me a great "tour".
Especially love that big 'ol tree with the ivy covered "arms" raised to the sky as if it were praising it's Creator...
Psst..(we have a Canton Flea Market here in Texas, too!)
I live in Canton. I love these old houses. If I'm not mistaken, the Wohlden House used to be a hospital in its younger days, and that little house on the grounds had something to do with the hospital part. I'll have to ask my parents.
Also, underneath the Mosby Mansion is an underground tunnel that leads all over the square.
There are a lot more mansions than this in Canton- you'll have to look for them- there is one near the public library that is used for weddings.
I live in Canton- I love these mansions. There are actually more here than the ones you've posted- there is one by the public library that is used for weddings, and a few other ones on the other streets...
The Wohlden House used to be a hospital, if I remember correctly. The little house on the property had something to do with a doctor residing on the premises. I'd have to ask my parents.
The Mosby Mansion has an underground tunnel underneath it that leads all the way around the Square and stops at the Courthouse.
"Vanity Castle" has a little story behind it- with everyone who moves in, a fire happens, but only to the interior- there have been a lot of fires in that house, and it usually goes back up for sale within a year or so. My dad worked on that house tirelessly in the past to restore it after a few of the fires destroyed the upper floors.
I found the little house's history.
If you click on the "View National Register Nomination Form", it will tell you what the building used to be--- a dental office.
These pics are so lovely! It brings back alot of memories. I am in search of pictures of our 1928 Tudor Revival home on 503 East Peace Street in Canton. Our home burned down in 2002. Would anyone have any pics? I would greatly appreciate it!
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